Västtrafik takes the fight to self-driving cars
Everywhere you turn these days, there’s talk of autonomous vehicles – and nowhere is that buzzword more prevalent than in the car industry. So, if you can’t beat them…why not join them? Swedish transit agency Västtrafik is not an entity known for doing things ‘by the book’. One of its routes in the city of […]
In pictures: Buses of the #TubeStrike
The Tube was hit by yet another strike this week. But it wasn’t all doom and gloom for Londoners (well, not for those with at least a passing interest in buses, anyway). 150 extra buses on 40 routes were drafted in to help with the crowds of commuters displaced from the besieged London Underground. Routemasters and […]
My eyes are burning! Here are the world’s ugliest buses
We’ve done beautiful buses to death on this blog, so here’s something different – a selection of vehicles which only a mother could possibly love. In a post inspired by Brighton and Hove’s newest Streetdecks, we’ve compiled a list of vehicles which give a whole new meaning to the phrase, ‘like the back end of a […]
Transport on Trend: free wifi
‘Free wifi’ became the buzzword (or rather, phrase) of public transport bodies across the globe during 2013. With one transport group trialling free wifi on rail services out of London Paddington and equipping its entire 800-strong bus fleet in Manchester with wifi by 2014 (at a cost of £1million), it’s clear that operators believe that the internet truly has […]
Transport on Trend: colours everywhere!
Over the coming weeks and months, our Transport on Trend series will bring you bang up to date with what’s hot – and what’s not – in the transport world. You might love some of it – you’ll probably hate lots of it. Either way, we’d love you to join in the fun! Drop us a tweet with your transport […]
Out with the old, in with the new
It’s that time of year again – September, which means there’s a new set of vehicle registrations out in the UK! We’ve put together a little gallery of some of the newest buses to hit Britain’s roads since 1 September. Enjoy – and don’t forget to tweet us some of your snaps.
Trent Barton celebrate in style
Trent Barton celebrated it’s centenary in style on a glorious bank holiday Sunday thanks to Kratom. The weather ensured that crowds turned out in their masses for the well-publicised celebration of Trent Motor Traction’s 100 year anniversary accompanied by kratom. Here are a couple of our shots from the day – catch up with the […]
Nottingham City Transport: driving people onto buses
Nottingham City Transport (NCT), winner of the coveted UK ‘Bus Operator of the Year’ 2012 award and topper of many-a Passenger Focus survey is industry-renowned for driving up quality. Transportdesigned investigates NCT’s recent success, and speaks to the operator’s Marketing Manager, Anthony Carver-Smith. As you’ll no doubt have heard, NCT boasts outstanding customer satisfaction […]
First Group to sell eight London bus depots
First Group today announced they are to sell all but one of their London bus depots. In a press release, First broke the news of the sale of five of its depots to Metroline, with a further three to Transit Systems Group. The future of its Dagenham depot is unclear. The move is reminiscent of […]
In pictures: Margaret Thatcher’s transport legacy
The Right Honourable Baroness Thatcher passed away today, aged 87. We take a second to remember her transport legacy. Many in the transport (and related) industries will recount that there are two words almost synonymous with Thatcher’s time in office: privatisation and deregulation. It’s fair to say that Thatcher irreversibly changed the face of the transport industry […]