#AYearOfBuses 50: Purbeck Breezer Bournemouth – Swanage

Day 50 on #AYearOfBuses takes us back to the south coast – and it’s for another of the UK’s most scenic bus routes. Go-Ahead’s Purbeck Breezers are, quite simply, a collection of bus journeys you’ll never forget. Purbeck Breezer 50 runs between Bournemouth and Swanage, through the stunning Sandbanks, on board the Sandbanks ferry and […]
#AYearOfBuses 1: m1 Poole – Bournemouth – Castlepoint

To be honest, there are no shortage of routes with the number 1 around the UK – most of our towns’ and cities’ bus networks start with 1, and there are plenty of interurban routes sharing the number too. But there’s one particular ‘1’ which quite simply stands miles apart from the crowd. Morebus m1 […]
Gangnam Style? No, ‘more bus’ style…

Here’s a little something we stumbled across earlier this week! Wilts & Dorset have created this parody of Psy’s perennial pop song Gangnam Style for their more bus brand. Words have literally failed us here at transportdesigned – we really don’t know what to make of it! The video seeks to appeal to the night-bus-loving younger demographic, but in […]