#AYearOfBuses 155: Hull – Goole

East Yorkshire’s Petuaria Express is today’s winner on #AYearOfBuses! Petuaria (or Petuaria Parisorum) was originally a Roman fort, situated where the town of Brough in the East Riding of Yorkshire now stands. East Yorkshire’s 155 and X55 express buses run fast between Goole, Brough and Hull, previously using a fleet of navy and blue branded […]
#AYearOfBuses 121: Hull – Bridlington

We’re taking another trip to the east coast today here on #AYearOfBuses, for a look at one of East Yorkshire’s most well-established routes. Previously running all the way up the east coast from Hull to Bridlington and Scarborough, the long-established, long-distance 121 was recently shortened to finish in Bridlington to help with reliability, with the […]
#AYearOfBuses 46: X46 Hull – Beverley – York

East Yorkshire’s X46, connecting Hull with Beverley and the City of York, is today’s winner on #AYearOfBuses. With a journey time of around two hours, the X46 is one of East Yorkshire’s flagship routes, run by a fleet of MCV EvoSeti-bodied Volvo B5TL double deckers connecting two of Yorkshire’s biggest cities every hour, every day. The […]