#AYearOfBuses 66: Superoute 66 Ipswich – Martlesham Heath

Ipswich guided busway

It’s day 66 on #AYearOfBuses, and today, we’re taking a look at Superoute 66 – Britain’s first ‘serious’ guided busway. Ipswich’s Superoute 66 (or just plain old ’66’, as it’s now known), was the first kerb-guided busway to open in the UK, if you don’t count Birmingham’s now-closed Tracline experiment. Opened in January 1995, Ipswich’s […]

Vantage: Where’s the magic?

First Manchester's Vantage 39245 BL65 YZE

First Manchester have chosen to brand their new busway services as ‘Vantage’, a stand-alone premium service using an all-new livery designed in-house by First’s own design team. Gold and white lettering sits atop a deep purple base colour, with a fading harlequin-patterned ‘V’ dashed across the rear halves of the vehicles. The same device is […]

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