Exceeding 99.9% uptime – Passenger’s investment in reliability

The clue is in the name; the public is at the core of the public transport business. That’s why we’re dedicated to 99.9% availability of connectivity and above in the customer-facing software we create. Here, we take a look at some of the values we place at the centre of our ongoing development process. The […]

The SMART era of UK public transport

Inadequate infrastructure, scheduling issues and mounting costs have all become synonymous with UK public transport as the government and transport operators grapple to provide a system fit for 21st century Britain. The pervasion of the ‘cashless’ society has also thrown up further conundrums. Mobile devices and new payment methods have revolutionised the way we purchase […]

The convergence of contactless and mobile

Following a trail blazed by so-called Challenger Banks in the financial sector, Bournemouth-based Passenger is advancing its transport mobile apps to include contactless journey information, in a technology convergence that will force customers to look at the humble bus in a whole new light. Technology is moving quicker than ever before in all aspects of […]

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