#AYearOfBuses 67: Manchester – Cadishead

Long-established First Manchester route 67 is today’s entry on #AYearOfBuses – and it’s another route which has seen some interesting changes over the years! The 67 takes the good folk of Cadishead, one of Salford’s outlying suburbs, into Shudehill bus station in the heart of Manchester. It loosely follows the route of the Manchester Ship […]
#AYearOfBuses 8: Bolton – Manchester

With an illustrious history of over 90 years, Greater Manchester’s route 8 is next up for #AYearOfBuses. The 8 runs from Bolton into the heart of Manchester city centre, linking Farnworth, Kearsley and Pendleton with the city along the way. It’s one of Manchester’s oldest routes, and back in the day, it was one of the Manchester […]