#AYearOfBuses 218: Peak Line Sheffield – Bakewell

We’re staying in Derbyshire today on #AYearOfBuses – there’s another fantastic route which visits Chatsworth House to see. Peak Line 218, from TM Travel, received an upgrade in 2015 whilst the company was undergoing something of a Wellglade-inspired renaissance. It gained a fleet of attractive Wright-bodied Scania L94UBs, specially liveried in a dark blue and […]
#AYearOfBuses 217: Matlock – Chatsworth

It’s day 217 here on #AYearOfBuses, and we’re taking a scenic stroll through the heart of Derbyshire with Yourbus. The 217 is a Derbyshire County Council-contracted route, linking Chatsworth, in the heart of the Peak District, with Darley Dale and Matlock. At the northern end of the 217 is Chatsworth House, the seat of the Duke […]
#AYearOfBuses 173: Castleton – Bakewell

We’re taking a trip to the Peak District today on #AYearOfBuses! Local independent, Hulleys of Baslow, run a small network of routes centered around the Peak District towns of Castleton and Bakewell. One such route is the 173, a route which snakes its way through the Peaks, passing through picturesque villages on its way from […]