Geoff and Vicki are back – it’s time for All The Stations Ireland!
Geoff Marshall and Vicki Pipe (of All The Stations fame) are off on another adventure! This time, they’ll be heading to all 198 stations of Ireland. You’ll remember their epic adventure to visit all 2,563 railway stations of Great Britain – here’s the Kickstarter launch for their next adventure. They’ve smashed their Kickstarter target, but you […]
Go-Ahead Ireland Passenger launch introduces revenue protection tools and GTFS input support as standard
Passenger’s first non-UK deployment for Go-Ahead Ireland introduces new revenue protection tools and General Transit Feed Specification input as standard, further expanding Passenger’s ecosystem to overseas operators and authorities who do not employ the TransXChange format. We are pleased to announce that Passenger has added a new subsidiary of the Go-Ahead brand to its roster […]